Monday, September 29, 2008

Love Play – A Path of Presence and Transcendence: Dr. Patti Talks to Bernie Prior, Master Teacher of Pure Tantra

Our Nature – not just our path to enlightenment

Our innate and deep attraction to the masculine and the feminine is because it’s the root of our way home to the Source, where our delight and our love and our pure pleasure and our peace reside.

Simply, what it means is that we have conditioned our minds and our response to life from the belief that we are all linear, egoic beings. Whereas that is something that we have added to ourselves over thousands of years.

So we consistently look through our past interpretations and our future hopes and dreams, yet never really knowing and understanding that each individual man and woman is already themselves and The Self. The pure Self is manifested as masculine and feminine.

And the attraction is, of course, when any of us experience love directly through that attraction, in the loving, there is neither masculine or feminine, there is only the love, and that is the Self.

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