Saturday, September 20, 2008

Here we are - the Yogin Christ Reiki™ chapter of Columbia, South Carolina!

from L to R that's moi, Joy, Barbs, MWT, Jeannine, Pam, Maggie, Debbie, Dan, Mary

It was a drive of over 3 & a half hours - one way. But so well worth it! The gang were so eager & open hearted.

Barbs & Jeanine are close friends & biz partners & it was Barbs who first found YCReiki on the web & told Jeannine to check it out.

Jeannine went to our site but signed up for Gurudevi's Karttikeyan Yogic Method(TM) course instead & for some reason Barbs ended up missing both classes.

So they both got their gang of health practitioners together & created this class for themselves. How neat is that?!?

To learn more about Yogin Christ ReikiTM, go to

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