Wednesday, June 3, 2009

new word - HEURISTIC

best thing about it is the word play between holistic & heuristic - topics & actions close to my heart!

Heuristic heu·ris·tic [ hyoo rístik ] adjective

1. in EDUCATION - encouraging discovery of solutions: relating to or using a method of teaching that encourages learners to discover solutions for themselves
2. in PHILOSOPHY & SCIENCE - involving trial and error: using or arrived at by a process of trial and error rather than set rules
3. in COMPUTERS - able to change: describes a computer program that modifies itself in response to the user, e.g. a spellcheckernoun

(plural heu·ris·tics) - logic procedure for getting solution: a helpful procedure for arriving at a solution but not necessarily a proof

[Early 19th century. < alteration of Greek heuriskein "find"]

adverb -heu·ris·ti·cal·ly

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