Sunday, July 19, 2009

a fresh perspective

every so often it's a good idea to shake your tree - down to it's very roots

ZEN Story:

The sage old abbot of a monastery gave a young monk two small seedlings to tend. He had the monk plant the young trees side by side. He gave the monk the task of tending them equally - except that the monk was to shake one every day and leave the other to grow on its own.

This went on for a time - until the trees grew tall and straight. Then one day a huge storm descended on them and raged for days. When it was over, the abbot and the monk went to inspect what damage it wreaked.

All around them the shrubs and trees were flattened. . . .except for the one lone tree that had been shaken every day.

makes me wonder, what great storm is in store - given all the shaking going on

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