Thursday, January 8, 2009

books & authors that shaped & influenced me

at different stages of my life, here's what I read. . . .

at 10, the Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys series
at 15, Victoria Holt/Jean Palidy, Mary Renault, C.S.Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, The Little Prince, Edgar Allan Poe, John Steinbeck, Earnest Hemingway
at 20, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, especially 100 Years of Solitude; Carlos Castaneda & his teachings from Don Juan, Ken Kesey, Aldous Huxley
at 25, Edgar Rice Burroughs, his whole Tarzan series, Ayn Rand, Kurt Vonnegut, Roald Dahl, John le Carre, Jules Verne
at 30, lots of science fiction & adult comics, especially stuff like Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos & Song of Kali
at 35, lots of fiction by A.S.Byatt, Anita Shreve, Margaret Atwood, Neil Gaiman, Salman Rusdie, Oscar Wilde
at 40, female authors - Amy Tan, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Babara Kingsolver, Isabel Allende
at 45, New Age info on natural healings, the Heirarchy of Masters & the Great White Brotherhood of This Creation
at 50, ancient scriptures of the major world religions - christianity, jusdaism, hinduism, buddhism, islam

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