Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Alan Cohen on the Economy

An ancient Chinese blessing wishes recipients, "May you live in interesting times." Well, we now have the answer to that prayer. Actually, all times are interesting, just in different ways.

During the last week and month the economy seems to be at the top of most people's list of urgent issues to think and talk about. Today the U.S. government is issuing a new policy to deal with the economic upsets of late. Below are some suggestions on how to get to a better feeling place about the economy, and generate practical results for yourself and others.

Here is my six-point plan. I am not an economist, and frankly I don't understand all of the complexities of the current market. I do, however, understand the relationship between thought, belief, feeling, attitude, expectation, identity, and practical prosperity.

So here is my six-point plan, which will surely work if you apply it:
1. Vision, 2. Trust, 3. Reframe, 4. Reset Priorities, 5. Circulate, Milk Every Moment.

Read the full details here - http://www.unityfc.org/alancohen.html

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