Monday, July 27, 2009

fair. . . .just. . . .true

what's the old adage? if the shoe fits, wear it

when an opinion is given it's up to me then

to accept it or not

to learn from it or not

to allow it to expand me

Saturday, July 25, 2009

humility or pride

I've recently been around someone who sincerely believes that they act deliberately & with caution.

They'd be most amazed that what they see as focus & awareness is in fact pride in themselves.

Easy to point in out or see it so clearly in another - would that I saw myself with such honest clarity.

Or maybe I would rather not.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

be present and accountable creating a new world

expressive palmsThe energy of Fire the Grid is ready to go back home. Join us on July 28, 2009 at 19:19 Rio di Janeiro time - 18:19 (6:19 PM) EDT - for FIre the Grid II as we choose consciously to be present and accountable in the energetic creation of a new world.

Read the full account here -

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse at 30 degrees of Cancer

is the world so preoccupied that something as stellar as a total solar eclipse no longer causes a stir?

in the grand scheme of things, where do our petty daily doings figure in relation to this cosmic event?

yet we persist on fixating on our our human conceit!

2009 Total Solar Eclipse : The Longest of the 21st Century
On WED July 22, 2009, a total eclipse of the sun will be visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses half of Earth. The path of the eclipse begins in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar (Burma) and China. After leaving mainland Asia, the path crosses Japan's Ryukyu Islands and curves southeast through the Pacific Ocean. This is the longest total solar eclipse that will occur during the 21st century, and will not be surpassed in duration until June 13, 2132. Totality will last for up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

a fresh perspective

every so often it's a good idea to shake your tree - down to it's very roots

ZEN Story:

The sage old abbot of a monastery gave a young monk two small seedlings to tend. He had the monk plant the young trees side by side. He gave the monk the task of tending them equally - except that the monk was to shake one every day and leave the other to grow on its own.

This went on for a time - until the trees grew tall and straight. Then one day a huge storm descended on them and raged for days. When it was over, the abbot and the monk went to inspect what damage it wreaked.

All around them the shrubs and trees were flattened. . . .except for the one lone tree that had been shaken every day.

makes me wonder, what great storm is in store - given all the shaking going on

Friday, July 17, 2009

if wishes were fishes then horses could fly

that's about as senseless as wishful thinking. . . .which is what it all boils down to, I suppose

Saturday, July 11, 2009

it's my birthday !

where I was born, it's already my birthday

altho where I am now there's a 12 hour delay

celebration by extension? keep 'em coming!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

we live in interesting times

As we chant these 14 days, in honor & celebration of Life, we are constantly reminded that we do indeed live in interesting times - the best of times & the worst of times - our choice, ultimately & always.

. . . .yet another milestone in our brave new world. . . .a virtual & global memorial. . . .

From a celebrity's death, a very American memorial Funeral, 21st-century style: Michael Jackson farewell offers up a uniquely American moment

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July ! ! !

today we chant in honor, appreciation and gratitude

for this beautiful country we live & thrive in

land of freedom & independence

God Bless America - my home sweet home!