Saturday, September 26, 2009

tell yourself a NEW story

we're constantly telling ourselves all sorts of stories. . . .

every story takes us on a journey. . . .

is your story taking you where you want to go?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

possibilities & probabilities - perseverance & persistence

potential does not come to fruition in barren territory

. . . . even at the price of blood, sweat & tears!

it's what differentiates the quitters for those who eventually succeed

Sunday, September 13, 2009

stranger than strange

lately, there seems to be so much more going on

so much that even the familiar grows strange

& what's strange is convoluted beyond recognition

life truly is turning out much stranger than fiction

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

think & breathe your way to a better place

we come into this life in possesion of 3 things. . . .

1. a thinking mind - that accepts & processes information

2. a breathing body - that animates & gives the body vitality

3. a beating heart - that feeds the cells & lets energy flow

- then there is personality - that which picks the ingredients, juggles the portions, decides how, what, when, where & why the doing gets done - if at all : )

- & for the lucky few, there's those whose Spirit do hold sway every now & then : )

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

approaches to life

coming from lack? or coming from abundance? which to choose?

where's the fine line drawn between negotiating a good deal? acknowledging value? not getting short-changed?

what are the deciding factors or the defining moments? hard to tell when the scales constantly tip & the lines blur