Friday, May 29, 2009

beware of those too eager to teach

rather than wait to see what others have to say this breed answers for you

Gurudevi has always taught - when you want to say something - first ask, "Why?"

Does it need saying? Will it contribute more? Are you wanting to show how much you know?

If you are senior, will it take away an opportunity for another to share?

Are you afraid the facilitator cannot deal with it, answer it, is not as qualified as you?

Are you more qualified? And even so - what does that have to do with it?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day !

what does it bring to mind & how are you observing today?

are you being traditional? national? commemorative?

are the celebrations reflective? jubilant? glum?

is your perspective personal or general?

what is the purpose of this day?

what meaning are you putting on it?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

on track? or left behind?

only I know when I've done my best or am at my best

my vigilance, focus & perseverance are what sustain me

much as there are those I'd love to take along on this adventure - as with the proverbial horse to water - their participation is their constant choice

Friday, May 15, 2009

the pain in parting

when a friend dies so sudden & so young & in the spring of life - it makes it that much more heart-wrenching

all their promise, wasted & unfulfilled - leaving you in shock & grieving

all too aware of missed opportunities & lost moments

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

spring is finally here

they have the whole garden to frolic in . . . . & where do they go?

right up to our deck : )

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day ! ! !

celebrate & rejoice all the mothers. . . .of all ages. . . .thruout the ages!

for without them we would not be here today

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

today's tidbit

Resist the urge to whimper, whine, wallow. . . .

or say 'if you loved me, you would.'

B L E C H !

Guilt may work for others but it's not an attractive trait.

How about some honesty instead?

Friday, May 1, 2009

my latest obsession

my dream home

This is a home I choose to be living in one fine day. Wouldn't you as well? Y E A H ! ! !

Here's how I aim to go about getting it. . . . with your help of course. : ) . . .I create a wishlist of A L L the things I desire. . . .and I share it with you.

Should you desire it as well, then grand! B U Y it and I make a little profit that goes into my nest egg for. . . .TA-DA! . . .

my dream home - interested ? go to Web Orders