Saturday, February 28, 2009

Song of Kali

benevolent Mother Goddess or fierce Spiritual Warrior of death & destruction?

Said to be the female aspect of Lord Shiva, The Destroyer. Shiva is pure formless awareness, sat-chit-ananda (being-consciousness-bliss). Kali represents form eternally sustained by the underpinning of pure awareness.

Kali and Shiva give liberation by dissolving the illusion of the ego. Kali is the Kundalini energy that paralyses the attachments produced by the solar and lunar currents - our internal Yin & Yang that we all strive to harmonize thru personal clarity & harmony.

The many forms of the Infinite Goddess Divine. . . .Isis, Kwan Yin, Mother Mary, Lakshmi, Durga, Green Tara.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

affection & devotion - attachment & addiction

when do we slide from one to another?

the definition for attachment is:
1) a means of securing or fastening
2) affection or regard (for); devotion (to) - as in attachment to a person or to a cause

the definition for addiction is:
1) the condition of being dependent on or compulsive about something or someone
2) being inclined or devoted in the extreme

would you rather be committed or devoted?
would you rather have another committed or devoted to you?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

a good story told

A good story is like a Zen koan.

You hear it & each time, depending on where you're at & what's going on in your life, it strikes a chord.

You resonate to something in the telling & these reverberations lead to an insight or some revelation.

That's the true gift of a good story. It's why everyone loves a good story.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

omens & portents

In older times, today's aggressive energy may be construed as an omen of impending war. But nowadays, it is looked upon as a golden opportunity (Jupiter) to pursue skills, talents, hobbies, desires and passions (Mars). A terrific boost for feminine interests, the arts, social and cultural affairs.

Whatever the outlook, there is much that is volatile. So pay attention!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the winter of my discontent

so much for being an ambassador of goodwill and kindhearted support ! ! !

when I opened my mouth or typed those words - what was my intended outcome ? ? ?

whatever it was, it is painfully obvious that I did not get the desired results

and although I am not above groveling or eating humble pie. . . .

I am disconsolate over missing my mark totally.

Monday, February 2, 2009

our life's purpose

for the lucky among us, our careers are being who we are

there is no retirement from that